Finish Drywall Without Taping
Cut away the paper from tears and soft spots where the gypsum core is crushed. This allows the drywall compound to reach and solidify these weak areas. A loose or torn paper surface can cause bubbles or poke through the final finish later. Use fiberglass tape for gaps wider than 1 inch.
Slide a 6” drywall knife across all the fasteners. A metallic click will alert you if a screw is protruding above the face of the drywall. This problem often occurs along corners. Drive screws in with a twist of a Phillips screwdriver.
Hold a utility knife at an angle and slice off the drywall edges to create a groove. V-grooving is very important for tapeless drywall finishing as it allows the Tapeless Mud to form a rivet strip on the joints. (See Figure 2)
After two years of experiments, the 2022 version of Tape in Mud™ has achieved even higher bonding and tensile strength, making V-grooving of butt joints optional. V-cutting the drywall edges yields the best results, but as long as the gaps can be fully filled with Tapeless Mud, it's acceptable if you choose not to do it.
Figure 1.
Liagle Tapeless Joint Compound acts like a welding rod on the joint of the adjacent two drywall pieces. Tape in mud-Finish drywall without tape.
Figure 2
Tape in Mud™️- Fiber Reinforced Tapeless Joint Compound filled the V-Grooved butt joint like a rivet strip.
Figure 3
For inside corners, the gap is only on one side of the corner, only finish the side with gap.
Figure 4
The gap is on both sides, fill the cavity and finish both side of the corner with a flusher or corner trowel.
Figure 5
Gap is on one side of the corner: Fill up the gap and only finish the gap side of the corner. No inside corner bead is needed.
Figure 6
Gap on both sides of the corner: Fill the gap and finish with an adjustable corner trowel.
Inside corner with gap on 1 side. F3
Inside corner with a gap on both side. F4
Step by step instructions for Using Tape in Mud™
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